Saturday, February 8, 2014

Evernote for Education

Everyone has been talking about Evernote for so long, and I really avoided it because I thought I didn't need it.

When I went to CAST 2013 in Houston last November, I realized that my iPad note-taking methods weren't as great as I needed them to be. I took the plunge and started using Evernote out of desperation, and I've been really happy with it ever since.


  1. Access materials on any device connected to the web
  2. iOS apps available 
  3. Create notebooks (and notes within those notebooks) to organize your thoughts
  4. "Tag" or categorize notes (similar to Blogger) for further organization
  5. Search through all your notes with a simple keyword -- enables you to find things quickly once your Evernote account starts filling up
  6. Attach documents to your notes
  7. Import/attach pictures to notes
  8. Create to-do lists inside Evernote and access them from any place with an Internet connection
  9. Format notes for easier reading (font size/color, tables, bullets, dividers, etc.)
  10. Set reminders within your notes
  11. Share notes and/or whole notebooks across social media platforms and/or e-mail
  12. Variety of apps available that work well with Evernote to sync information seamlessly (for instance, use the web clipper component to take an entire article from the web and insert it into one of your notebooks with the URL still in tact) 
  13. Access materials offline and then sync your changes to the cloud once you have an Internet connection again
Ways to Use it in the Classroom
  1. Student portfolios
  2. Anecdotal notes on each student
  3. Document phone calls, assessment scores, RtI plans, conversations with parents, etc. 
  4. Write/store lesson plans
  5. Take conference or meeting notes
  6. Store business cards from important contacts and throw the paper away
  7. Collaborate on documents with a team
Here's a LiveBinder that illustrates more about why Evernote is so amazing {click this link if you have trouble viewing the LiveBinder below}:

Click here to sign up for your free account.

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