Sunday, June 22, 2014

Twitter Accounts to Follow

I read a lot of teacher-written blogs, so those are some of the people I follow on Twitter. Other than that, I've found some fabulous people to follow by participating in Twitter chats and by reading the #FF posts of the people I already followed. 

#FF stands for "Follow Friday." Some people will post that hashtag on Fridays and then follow it with a list of other Twitter users they think you should follow. If you find someone you really like on Twitter, check out their #FF posts (if they have any) because you will more than likely love their suggestions. 

If you're new to Twitter, the following is a list of suggestions of educators to follow (in no particular order):

  • And, of course, you can always follow me! :) @ckarasedu

Here are my other posts about Twitter. Click the name of the article to read the information:

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